About watching Repeater Swings |
- Don’t look for a “position”, look at in a general Sybervision ** way. Look for similarities and/or differences of areas that may be of interest to you like:
swing shapes, set-up/address looks, impact areas, swing motions, swing finishes ,etc.
As an example, if your Pro/PGA instructor talks about how your arms should swing, look at how a certain player does it and how another may do it. Keep in mind, the Tour Pros have wonderful hand-eye-coordination and thus they are expert Manipulators of Impact. Your general visualization is more important than some magic position.
- Different camera angles can make certain positions “appear” a certain way, but are not what you might think you see because of the different angles the video could have been shot at.
Video is a great learning tool, but only within the context of learning a "feel" that is individual, which is to say …yours.
- Also we usually don’t know what kind of shot the players were trying to hit, which can affect its “look”. If the shot the player was trying to produce had a left- to- right shape, or right- to- left shape, that factor could easily affect the player’s different set-ups, hand/arm swing shapes.
Some swings are taken on a driving range while others are on a golf course during play. Advanced players have learned to always try to hit shots to targets, with some sort of shape to the ball’s flight. That requires “feel” adjustments, which could easily change a look of a swing at that time.
The Loading Period:
- The swings “Loading” may take a few seconds to load.
- Give the page a full load time. Some swings may appear earlier than others, let them load completely. You will find the next time you view this page, whether going back and forth today or the next day, month, etc. the swings will appear and load MUCH quicker.
** SyberVision or CyberVision has been referred to as Muscle Memory Programming, or as often referred to as“Repititous Sensory Stimulation”. Some say SyberVision could be used as a “dramatic improvement in the quality and consistency of a player”.
Basically, a theory based on viewing enough times, you may feel "your" swing's motions/positions better. You have to SEE before you can DO.
Bobby Jones |
Bobby Jones height- 5', 8"
weight-165 lbs birthday 3/17/1902 birthplace-Georgia
wait-once loaded--swings above never stop
wait-once loaded--swings above never stop
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